Friday, January 13, 2012

1.11.12 5V Power supply, breadboard circuit, and using a multimeter.

Today, I completed soldiering the pins and heat shrinking a cover to the 5V breadboard power supply AC adapter that I will be using on all of the lab projects.

Here, I set up a breadboard circuit using one LED and one resistor (1000 ohms) in series.


Using the multimeter, I tested voltages on a few DC batteries.  The first was a 1.5V D battery and then a 9V battery.

With the multimeter, I tested an unregulated AC 9V adapter.  The value was higher (14.24V) than the posted 9V.  I added a 100ohm resister to the end and measured 11.8V.  The resistor caused a drop in voltage.

With a multimeter, I tested my 5V adapter.  The value was approximately 5.11V.

With a multimeter, I tested an AC-AC adapter.  The printed output was 13V.  I measured 15.76V.

With the multimeter, I measured the resistance values for five resistors and compared them to their band color code values.  The measurements were as follows: 75ohms was 75.8ohms, 100ohms was 98.9ohms, 390ohms was 388ohms, 470ohms 469ohms, and 680ohms was 673ohms.

  With a multimeter, I measured a potentiometer.  The lowest value was 4.7V, while the highest was 8.71KOhm.

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